Weekly Yoga and Pilates classes



I am very happy we can do Yoga-and Pilatesclasses in the danceschool in Kalidonia . Its a perfect location for the whole year. Warm in winter and cool in summer. There are yogamats available but if you have your own, you can take it. Wear comfortable clothes to move easily ( like legging or yogapants) Both Yoga and Pilates is best to do on bare feet. So please leave your shoes at the door or on the side of the class. To not get distracted, please switch of your phone. The yogastyle is mainly Hatha Yoga this is the basic form of Yoga. On this website there is information  for you if you want to know what Yoga is  and the content of the lessons: Home and about Pilates: Pilates

If you have any questions, please contact me.

00306943998097 Corina de Groote



On request there can be a Nidra session scheduled

What is Yoga Nidra?

When you practise Yoga Nidra your body and mind becomes in a state of deep relaxation. It s also called "Sleep Yoga" Your body is in the state as just before you fall asleep but your mind stays consious and aware. While you lay down on your mat, covered with a blanket, all you have to do is keep listening and follow the direction. 

 'Most people go to sleep without releasing their tensions in advance this is called Nidra, Nidra means sleep. However Yoga Nidra is the sleep after all burdens fall from you. This is about a completely different and higher quality"

Swami Satyananda Sarawati


During Yoga Nidra you can set a San Calpa, this is an intention you set for yourself in a short positive line. This is a very powerfull way to make changes in your life in a positive direction. By setting this intention there is a seed planted in your deep consiousness.  Everybody is welcome to join this special Yoga session . Usually we have an active Hatha class on thursdaynight but this time it s all about rest, comfort, recharge and meditation. How can you prepare yourself? Wear comfortable and warm clothes. The studio is warm and there are mats and blankets available. Maybe you like to think about the Sancalpa you want to use during this Nidra session. A Sancalpa is an intention for yourself in a simple, short and positive line. Something you want to accomplish or wish for. Dont't force yourself and keep it simple. If anything comes up in your mind, you can use that and if nothing comes up, here are some examples to use untill you have your own SanCalpa:











                          Everything is possible !